Subsidio por cese de actividad para empleados de hogar

Subsidy for cessation of activity for domestic workersand unemployment benefit for the end of temporary contract

On May 4, 2020, two Resolutions of the Ministry of Labor have been published in the BOE that regulate the subsidy for the cessation of activity of household employees (Resolution of April 30, 2020) and the unemployment subsidy for end of short-term temporary contracts (Resolution of May 1, 2020), both subsidies already provided and approved in arts. 30 to 33 of RDL 11/2020, of March 31.

Per Nieves Rabassó / Lawyer and Economist. Head of the Labor Law Department of the Alonso-Cuevillas Law Firm


one.-Area of application:Household employees, who are on duty, will be entitled to this benefit.registration in this Social Security Regimebefore the declaration of the alarm state, when in any of the following cases,provided they are motivated by the Covid-19 health crisisand have occurred during the alarm state:

to)They have temporarily stopped providing services, in order to reduce the risk of contagion, due to causes beyond their control, in one or more addresses. It will be accredited with a responsible declaration signed by the employer (according to the existing model in the SEPE electronic office).

The contract has been terminated due to dismissal or withdrawal by their employer. It will be credited with the letter of termination or withdrawal from Social Security.

two.-Process:It should be started according to the following rules:

to)It will necessarily be presented by the Household Employee, using the existing form on the SEPE electronic headquarters.
b)In addition to the documents indicated in sections a) and b) of the previous section, a statement signed by the employer confirming that the employment information on the form is correct must be attached.

3.-Deadline for submission:From May 5, 2020 until, foreseeably, one month after the end of the state of alarm.

4.-Concession:Once the documentation presented has been analyzed, the SEPE has 3 months to issue the resolution approving the subsidy.

5.-Subsidy amount:Its amount will be 70% of the contribution base for the month prior to termination. If it happens to you with several employers, you can add the corresponding to each of them. However, the subsidy will have as a limit, once added to the rest of your income, the minimum interprofessional salary (SMI) without a pro rata of extra pay (€ 950 / month).

The standard also admits the possibility of apartial subsidyproportional to a partial loss of activity. Its duration will be from the date on which your situation occurs and foreseeably until one month after the end of the state of alarm.

6.-Subsidy compatibility:This subsidy is compatible with other income that the household employee has, as long as his sum (income + subsidy) does not exceed the SMI

However, it isincompatible with IT provision(Temporary disability)and with recoverable paid leave, regulated in RDL 10/2020.


one.-Area of application:The workers who, after the declaration of the state of alarm, have terminated a temporary contract (including interim, training and relief) of at least two months duration will be entitled to this subsidy as long as they do not have the contribution necessary to access another benefit or unemployment benefit.

two.-Process:The request must comply with the following rules:

to)It will necessarily be presented by the worker using the existing form in the SEPE electronic headquarters.
b)The company must send the company certificate through the certific @ system.

3.-Deadline for submission:From May 5, 2020 until, foreseeably, one month after the end of the state of alarm.

4.-Amount of the benefit:Its amount will be 80% of the IPREM (currently 537.84 x 80% = € 430.27) and initially its duration will be one month.

5.-Incompatibilities:It is incompatible with any other minimum income, inclusion income, social salary or similar aid from any Public Administration, whether state, regional or local.

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